Therapy Options
Massage designed around your individual needs

Each of our massage therapy options assures a reduction in stress and tension, improved circulation, and overall wellness. Each session is designed around your individual needs, whether you want to reduce tension in your neck and shoulders, or would benefit from a mind centering, balanced touch. Your comfort level is of utmost importance. Pressure can be adjusted accordingly from light to deep. At no time should you feel hurried or rushed. Treatments are provided in either 60 or 90 minute sessions. The following is a list of therapies offered with links to other websites specific to the treatment option.
Deep Tissue/Neuromuscular Therapy
Deep Tissue/Neuromuscular Therapy is an advanced therapy focusing on affected muscle groups. This treatment is used to increase movement in a particular area or alleviate muscle tightness in areas such as the neck, shoulder or lower back.
Combined Modality Treatment
Combined Modality is a treatment incorporating each of the therapies listed above, allowing for focused attention to affected areas with the goal of leaving the client rested and relieved. Leave the massage session feeling revitalized, relaxed, and fully restored.
Energy/Polarity Therapy
Energy and Polarity Therapy integrates the body, mind and spirit through gentle and mindful touch. Clients often report feeling more connected to their bodies and a feeling of comfort and serenity. Michael Perry is one of the only lower cape clinics to offer this technique.
Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage utilizes light flowing motion using full hand pressure to increase circulation and to assist lymphatic system in removing toxins from the body. Clients often report feeling energized or deeply relaxed after a Swedish massage treatment.